
Saturday, July 28, 2012

MIA and Sinful Bananas

Missing in Action.  That has been me for the last couple months.  I have been floating around in this routine-less haze for the last two months and my anal organized self can't take the chaos anymore.  It all started with me having my third baby in three years.

You wouldn't think a little thing like bringing another life into this world would knock me off my axis but it definitely shook things up.  And not the newborn, the toddlers and husband were the real culprits.  The baby was the easy part.  Actually, I joke but not joke that my labor and delivery was my vacation...but it really was. 

I came home to having the siding and windows replaced, a husband who didn't work summer school this year and decided that would be an excellent time to finish the basement room and refinish the kitchen table and chairs, and summer activities (lot's of them).  Mind you all on very little sleep :)  All the above were wonderful blessings but none-the-less out of the ordinary.  And we all know that change, know matter how good, can be hard.  So I decided to disappear for a while; putting those daily expectations, like blogging, aside and embrace the disorderly.

But enough is enough and back to reality I go.   I have a back log of like a million things that occurred this summer to share; projects, parties, and yummy baking and cooking galore.  But for the sake of your attention span and mine, I'll start with one.  My dangerous addiction to making good for you things really bad for you.  Like these bananas.  I covered them with naughtiness and they were glorious.

I sliced them and placed them on parchment paper.  I spooned a little peanut butter on top of each. I then melted chocolate candy melts (always add a little canola oil and melt in a glass/ceramic container) and submerged them.

Now I was just making them for my family so I didn't spend time trying to make them pretty but if I was making them for others I would have used a skewer to dip them and tap off the excess chocolate.

They were very yummy and easy.  A weight gaining nightmare :)