
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Resurrection Rolls

Easter.  The day is supposed to be the top holiday celebration for Christians; the reason we are Christians.  Yet like so many others, I definitely get caught up in the Easter Bunny, eggs, baskets and ham, mmm....  Don't get me wrong.  I see nothing wrong with playing up the cute springtime hippity hoppity cuteness that comes with the season.  My kids love it and so do I.  However, I make it a personal challenge to tie in all of our fun activities back to the reason we are doing them in the first place.

This year I was really excited to wake up Easter morning and make resurrection rolls with the girls.  I had never personally done them before but had heard about them and gotten a good recipe off of, where else, pinterest.  I wasn't too sure how much of the concept that my little ones would get but I'm all for starting new yummy traditions that I know some day they will grasp :)  So, here's how they went.
All you need is...
8 marshmallows (or however many rolls you are making)
Crescent Rolls
Cinnamon Sugar
Melted butter
Parchment Paper

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  While waiting, read John 19.  We read a simpler version out of one of the girl's kiddo Bibles.  I explained to them that the marshmallow was Jesus, pure and white because He was sinless.  We dipped him in the embalming oils (the butter) and then the spices (cinnamon sugar) that were used to prepare Him for burial.   We then wrapped Jesus in his burial "blankie" (the crescent roll) pinching the sides all closed.  He was now in the tomb.  Just for yummy goodness and no relation to the story,  I brushed the outside of each roll with the remaining butter and sprinkled it with the remaining cinnamon sugar.  I was out of parchment paper but I highly recommend using it since mine really stuck to the baking sheet!

We placed the rolls in the oven and while they were baking for the 12 minutes that were instructed, we read John 20 to the girls.  We asked Adelyn what she thought would happen to Jesus in his tomb.  She said, "He's probably going to Heaven with God but I really want to eat his blankie..." Well she was getting part of it :)

She was sooooo excited when the rolls were done and she got to open it up and see what happened to Jesus.  The marshmallow melts away and leaves an empty "tomb" inside the roll.  She kept yelling, "Daddy, He is Risen!  He is Risen, but where's my marshmallow?" Magic.
Not only was this activity a fun illustration of what Easter is about, and a new yearly tradition at our house, they were incredibly delicious.  Next year I will be making double.  Especially since Adelyn kept asking for more "delicious Jesus blankies" and Marcella kept making a open and close fist while shouting "more blankie!"  They took something away from it :)

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