
Friday, April 26, 2013

"Watch This!"

We have entered one of the many predictable and common phases in the younger years this week.  Almost as equally annoying as the "why" phase is the "watch me" period.  Everything suddenly warrants immediate attention.  Mom!  This is very important! MOM. MOM. MOM. WATCH ME!  and then a twirl or a small booty shake or blinking or some mundane common not so extraordinary event follows.  I found myself super agitated by these two words this week.  Short, irritable and rushed.  I would follow with one or two of my own two word responses, "One minute" or "Not now."  The things I have to get done are important.  This floor isn't going to mop itself.  This dinner isn't going to make itself.  These medical bills aren't going to get sorted and paid by themselves.  I would return to my tasks bugged that I can never seem to get anything accomplished from start to finish with little ones constantly interrupting me for a "watch me" nose blow.

And then I woke up.  I woke up from this busy mundane not so important job called 21st century super distracted mom.  It was Marcella that shook me awake.  She was being as loud and rambunctious as ever and desperately wanted me to look away from my phone to "watch me" on the swing.  "Just let me finish this email!" and out of the corner of my eye I saw her sadly look down and her life flashed before my eyes.  Maybe a second or two of what has already passed but an entirety of what will be here in the blink of an eye.  Boyfriends, prom, driving, hating me, loving me again, college, marriage, grandkids...  It was at that moment that I decided my routine and priorities had to change.  There should be nothing more important to me than soaking in these precious moments where my children are truly and passionately proud of what they are doing.  It's a guarantee that life is going to start to rob them of that simplistic confidence.  Because to Marcella, being able to wiggle her legs on that swing was just if not more important to her than me paying the bills on time.  I realize that my children need to learn patience and the importance of not interrupting but I realized that I need to learn the practice of listening.  If I don't listen and pay attention now, when they really genuinely want me to, they aren't going to want to when their "watch me's" could be very self destructive later on.

It brings tears to my eyes reflecting on how many moments I have already lost to a text message, a Facebook post or (I can't believe I'm saying this...) Pinterest.  I have earnestly been praying that my eyes and heart find a renewed interest and childlike longing for the simple "watch me's".  So, if you can't reach me, I'm probably soaking in the latest couch jumping competition or bunny hopping/galloping thingy my girls are so proud of recently.  Because the bills, floor and dinner can wait.  My kids growing won't.

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