
Friday, May 10, 2013

Wreck It Ralph Dinner Movie Night

Last week for our Friday night ritual we watched one of the hubs and I's fastly approaching favorites, Wreck It Ralph.  This movie cracks me up.  Maybe because I grew up with a lot of the games in the movie or I have the mentality of a five year old.  That's still up for debate.  Anyways...

The girls and I started by making our candy cars (The characters in the movie make a candy car).  Of course this went over famously.  The only problem was keeping them from eating their car before it was finished.  I just used graham crackers, marshmallows, frosting and leftover Easter candy I had laying around the house.

What do you mean I can't just eat straight icing?!?!?!

Then we snacked on "Fix it Felix's hammers" (pretzels and cheese cubes).

The main course was Felix's favorite meal, pie... Mommy twist, pot pie.  Not as fun but thematic.
(Didn't take a pic cause well... it was just a pot pie)
Dessert was their cars and our "Hero Medals" made from cookies and nerds licorice.

There you have it! Ton of fun.  This week Winnie the Pooh...

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