
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Tacos Baby Style"

So I ran across these little cuties on pinterest and thought they would would be a perfect way to get my picky kiddos to eat dinner. Because everyone knows that if it's cute and baby-like it taste better, naturally... Well in this case it was true. I can't remember another meal where we didn't have leftovers due to the kids needing seconds and even thirds! Here it is...


1 lb taco seasoned ground beef or Turkey
Pkg of wonton wrappers
2 cups of shredded Colby Jack cheese
Sour cream (optional)
Bell pepper (optional)
Onion (optional)
Minced garlic (optional)


Step 1: pre-heat oven to 425 degrees

Step 2: brown the ground beef and season it according to the taco seasonings instructions.

Step 3: push the wonton wrappers gently into muffin tin. Bake for two minutes
Step 4: fill wonton with meat and cheese and bake for an additional 6 minutes or until wrappers are golden brown.

Top with anything you would regularly have on a taco...

Optional: I used the same pan I seasoned my meat in and sauteed peppers, onions and garlic until slightly blackened to top my taco bowls. Aren't they pretty? I served these with Spanish rice and they were delish!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Veggie Gluttony with a side of pasta

Ok.  So I really enjoy this farm co-op that Jason and I have invested in.  It has challenged me to try things I would have never tried, learn new cooking techniques and discover that you can eat things I never dreamed to be edible...  However, sometimes we get an overabundance of certain veggies that I can't really keep up with before they go bad.  For instance, zucchini, eggplant and yellow summer squash have filled my two bottom drawers in my fridge for the last month.  Definitely a beautiful display of God's great eye for design and color but not really sure what to do with all of it (coming from a girl whose extent of veggie preparation six months ago involved a microwave, something frozen and garlic salt).  This past week I was lazy.  I didn't plan my menu very well and come Wednesday night I had about four squash like creatures and several other freshies getting ready to turn nasty in my drawer.  They had to be eaten that night or I was going to become an American statistic of throwing out 40% of my groceries to waste.

What's a mommy to do? Make what I so aptly and grossly named, purge pasta. That's right.  I said it.  I sliced and diced zucchinni, eggplant, mushrooms, spinach and squash and threw it into a skillet with a little olive oil and minced garlic.  I sauteed the heck out of that stuff.  Now Jason insists on having meat in his pastas so luckily I had some chicken sundried tomato sausage from Trader Joes that was about to eat it as well.  Well, Mr. unrecognizable meat, come join the disposal party.  I let that stuff just hang out in all those glorious juices and a marinara sauce for a spell while I prepared some whole wheat spaghetti.  I also was lucky enough to find in my mystery produce drawer some fresh garlic cloves that were about to be not so fresh.  I popped those in a foil packet with a dab of olive oil and baked for 30 minutes while everything was just stewing.  At the end of this experiment lazy meal, I had what Jason quote un quote said was the best pasta he had ever eaten.  WHAT???? Not to brag but Italian is kinda my thing.  And I have made him some pretty stellar pastas.  So, my about to die lazy pasta is the best?  Well, I guess I can tote this up to a happy accident.  Enjoy.

Veggie Gluttony


1 zucchini sliced thin
1 medium eggplant peeled and sliced thin
1 yellow summer squash peeled and sliced thin
8 oz container or so of mushrooms
two handfuls of baby spinach? (not so good with measurements)
2 tbs minced garlic
2 tbs olive oil
package of sausage of some sort
Red sauce (I am partial to Trader Joe's Four Cheese Sauce)
Whole wheat spaghetti
two fresh garlic cloves


Step 1: Prepare the spaghetti as indicated on the packaging.

Step 2:  Pre-heat oven to 350.  Using a sharp knife cut the stem off of the garlic clove until the individual cloves are visible.  Place on a small piece of foil.  Drizzle olive oil over it and seal.  Set on a baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes.
Step 2: Meanwhile in a large skillet, brown your sausage with a tablespoon of water for approximately 7 minutes over medium flame.  Cut into bite size pieces and return to skillet.

Step 3: Add two tablespoons of olive, minced garlic, and all the veggies.  Saute until softened.  Lower heat and add sauce.  Cover and let simmer.

Step 4:  When the pasta and garlic are finished, throw the sauce in and stir. 

Voila!  Look Ma!  I'm eating my veggies! 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Eggplant Chicken?

I don't know about any of you mommies of little ones but I am faced with a moral dilemma daily, to lie a little or play Russian roulette with the truth when it comes to feeding my picky toddlers.  I don't know if I would call it lying... it's more like putting an exciting spin on something that's not really exciting, maybe?  Dinner is always a time of walking on egg shells in our house.  Breakfast and lunch are pretty standards with not too many taste bud surprises but dinner can throw a good day out the window like a fart in the wind.  I'm sorry little ones but Momma can't survive on chicken nuggets and grapes every night like you would prefer so it's always an intense time until that first bite is accepted or even tried at all.  Sometimes things need to be delivered in deceiving packages.  Such as eggplant as chicken.

We are involved in a local farm food co-op (which I love and highly suggest to anyone who wants to eat organic and local on a budget) and are constantly getting new and untried fruits and veggies.  I am hesitant to admit that eggplant has always weirded me out a little.  I'm not quite sure why.  Maybe all the freakishly small slimy seeds inside and the texture when handling it.  But that is what we received this week and it was my job to disguise it into something even I could trick myself into eating.  And it worked.  I made eggplant parmesan that was so good my kids really believed it was "chicken and magic sprinkles (that's what we call parmesan cheese.  They will try anything with that stuff on it) and I think I even kind of believed it myself.  Here goes the recipes...

The picture stinks because I always take one last minute with my phone before the nightly food fight and wailing commences.  I served mine over whole wheat spaghetti noddles. Delish.

Eggplant Parmesan


  •  1 eggplant, peeled and thinly sliced (fed my husband and I and two toddlers)
  •   1 egg, beaten
  •   2 cups Italian seasoned bread crumbs
  •   3 cups spaghetti sauce, divided (I love Trader Joes Four Cheese)
  • 1 (16 ounce) package mozzarella cheese, (sliced or shredded) and divided
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese, divided
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried basil


  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (175 degrees C). 
  2. Place eggplant in a colander and salt.  Let sit for 30 minutes to sweat and then rinse and pat dry.
  3. Dip eggplant slices in egg, then in bread crumbs. Place in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake in preheated oven for 7 minutes on each side.
  4. In a 9x13 inch baking dish spread spaghetti sauce to cover the bottom. Place a layer of eggplant slices in the sauce. Sprinkle with mozzarella (I placed slices on mine) and Parmesan cheeses. Repeat with remaining ingredients, ending with the cheeses. Sprinkle basil on top.
  5. Turn oven down to 350 and bake for 30 minutes, or until golden brown.