
Friday, March 8, 2013

Wash Your Hands or Don't. I Don't Care...

Envision this... Right now I am typing this in the same pajamas I have had on for days, Kleenex twisted and shoved up my nostrils, and a three year old asleep on my lap who feels like she is on fire with snot running down onto my leg and I don't care.  That pretty much catches you up to where I am right now mentally.

For the past two weeks, yes that's right TWO, our household has been a germ infested nasty bucket that I can't wait to pour the heck out.  It all started last Monday when my eldest woke up from a nap with a very obvious gunked pink eye.  After a frantic call to her pediatrician (I know how contagious it can be and with three three and unders it was imperative to act quickly) I had him phone in some drops.  I don't know if you have ever had the pleasure of trying to put eye drops into a toddler but if not we will compare it to trying to wrestle a raging bull/rolling crocodile/wild stallion type animal and then once you finally get it tied down you must now hold it still enough to drop something into it's eye FOUR times a day... Get it.  No you don't.  It's worse cause toddlers can tell you how much they hate you for it when you do it.  Then naturally a day later my two year old gets it... Fun x 2.

Two days later, I finally breathe thinking we past the contagious window and we are finally done.   But I get a sore throat.  Then Daddy gets a sore throat and then my two year old gets a fever and boogers and a cough and yelling and screaming and tired and won't sleep, three year old gets congestion and I want to die and then...  Daddy gets pink eye...  I now went from taking care of three children to four.  (I love my husband dearly but like my Mama wisely told me once... Men don't have it in their make-up to handle sickness.  Understatement).  My husband and I got diagnosed with strep and then our fever ridden two year got diagnosed with a severe sinus infection and viral something or other.

Okay so after 11 days I finally think we see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Until today my three year old gets a fever and now they are telling me she has possible walking pneumonia.  I quit.  Throwing in the towel.  My hands are literally bleeding from over washing.  My house has been Lysol bombed and wiped and wiped again and we still are all sick.  $350 in 7 days on co-pays and prescriptions and that's with good insurance.  I know it could be worse but I'm drowning... in snot.  That's all I got.  No cute crafts, no good recipes.  Just snot. 

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