
Sunday, March 24, 2013

He is Risen Treat

Since my last post on my plague diseased family a couple weeks ago, I am sad to say we are still fighting some sickness.  Whatever we got, got us good.  I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.  The littlest one came down with it right in the middle of our spring break vacation that ended up not being very relaxing.  After a trip to urgent care, a freak snow storm in March and power outages to our rental, we called it for what it was and came home a few days early.  So that means folks my toddlers have been in a house with me continuously for, count them, four weeks now... I really don't feel like I need to elaborate on the insanity that has been my life.  They have developed a very odd love/hate relationship and become incredible wrestlers who scream and cry when they are together but scream and cry when you separate them.  I think the only one who needs to truly separate is me.  Unfortunately, St. Louis is now being pummeled with it's own freak spring break snow storm.  So, I am pretty sure that isn't going to happen anytime soon.

I've have always been pretty good about coming up with stuff on the spot creatively speaking but I think I have exhausted all of the tricks up my sleeve.  Adelyn is ALWAYS begging me "let's do a little craft Mommy,"  (Yes I have created a monstrous version of little me who idolizes holidays and anything DIY) and I needed something new.  Amen for Pinterest.  Last year we were in tank tops and shorts planting jelly beans outside, swimming and outdoor Easter egg hunts.  This year we are sledding... (Literally the same week last year... oh how I love the lack of monotony in Missouri weather)

Therefore, we brought our spring activity inside.  We have been discussing the story of palm Sunday and the forth coming events of Jesus' last days.  Adelyn has always really liked the Resurrection rolls and story.  So, I decided to tackle the story with a different edible craft (edible is the only route to go with Marcella.  If she can't eat it, she isn't interested.) 

I had seen this done with chocolate doughnuts but I'm not a huge fan of chocolate pastries so our stone tomb is "limestone".  The girls constructed the whole thing, eating along the way, while I read the Easter story.  The ground is two graham crackers sandwiched with peanut butter with green icing grass.  A partially sliced glazed doughnut is the tomb and an Oreo is the stone that rolled away.  The "He is risen" signs were leftover stickers on toothpicks I had laying around.

Adelyn was satisfied for 30 minutes!  That's impressive.  It was a success :)  Now for what to do for the other 11 hours they are going to be awake today...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. sorry kate. I have no idea how I deleted this!
