
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Here Goes Nothing!

After much deliberation, thought, stomach turning and criticism from my wonderfully supportive husband, I have decided to venture out of my comfort zone and begin sharing all my daily happenings with the world.  As if I don't talk enough already, I have discovered yet another medium to try and make people listen to me!  I have many ambitions and goals for this blog but above all I have a vision of being able to share ideas and successes I have had as a stay at home mom and use what I paid alot for but no longer use, my prior teaching experience.  With two little ones at home and a tight budget, I am always searching for new innovative ways to entertain, create and manage my household in an inexpensive diy fashion.  I have overloaded good friends and family with detailed descriptions of my latest projects and outings with the girls.  I feel it's time to give them a break and try to discover an audience that might just be able to use some of this stay at home mom mumbo jumbo.  I've got alot of ideas floating around in this little head of mine that are bursting at the seams!  Time to let them out.

This is my beautiful little famiy.  I have decided to involuntarily offer their daily lives up for public observation and amusement.
This is my fire truck princess, Adelyn Marie.  She never stops moving or talking (something I am afraid to say she probably got from me).  I recently read in a study, that consistant early talking is a sign of intelligence.  I haven't decided if I agree with this or not but what I will say is if this is true, she's the next Einstein...
This is my little chubbers, Marcella Jane.  She is in general the happiest, most laid back baby.  However, I think she has a little fiery anger issue that only comes out when she's had enough and can be quite terrifying.  The Lord made her large and chunky for survival reasons.  Her sister is constantly "loving her to death" on a daily basis.  Her first words will be, "Get off me..."

Chango, best dog ever.  Enough said.
This is my incredibly loving, supportive husband Jason.  He is a middle school social studies teacher and an incredible father.

My family is my world.  I feel it is my job as a mom and a wife to keep challenging myself to come up with innovative ways to keep blessing them on a daily basis!

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