
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Missouri Botanical's Resident Free Wednesday Morning...

Woke up this morning to the news telling me it was only going to be 79 degrees today! After three weeks of being stuck inside with over a hundred degree temps, I decided it wasn't even up for discussion. We were venturing to the great outdoors. Lucky me it is Wednesday and Missouri Botanical Gardens is free to residents in the mornings (Also on Saturday mornings). We made a quick call to Adelyn's best bud Nate's mommy and off we were by 9:30 with a packed lunch, a picnic blanket, a latte (a necessity these days) and three very squirmy two and unders :)

It was packed, of course, with stroller clad moms, such as ourselves, desperate to release some of this overwhelming pent up child craziness. Good thing for us, the gardens are huge! So once we got through the parking space scavenger hunt madness it really wasn't too bad. We venture through the rainforest climatron, where Nate and Adelyn oohed and ahhed over the bananas hanging from the trees, and then it was straight to the children's play area. That place is awesome. Tree houses, rope bridges, slides, waterfalls, crafts, and water fountain play area to cool off. A child's play haven. And true to form, Adelyn's favorite part was picking up and digging in dirt. It amazes me that it never fails. I take her someplace that is inundated with over stimulating awesomeness and all she wants is dirt. Whatever. Right? Kids will be kids.

Once we dried off the squirms, we loaded them back up in our caravan of strollers and picked the perfect lakeside picnic spot in the Japanese garden. We relaxed and once again true to form watched Adelyn eat everything. Her lunch, my lunch and drove Nate crazy as she tried to eat his as well. For as little as she is, man, can she put it away.

Finished off the trip with some quality playtime in the tree house exhibits scattered throughout the park. When the raindrops and teardrops started to fall we knew it was time to pack it up. Everyone needed a nap, including the chaperones. Lovin' the free trip mornings in St. Louis.

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