
Thursday, September 6, 2012

A New Adventure

Being a one income family can be tough.  We decided a long time ago it was the best fit for our family for me to be home but it's still tough.  My husband is wonderfully supportive of it but I do feel guilty from time to time about not contributing financially.  I did the math the other day and I actually make about $30,000 a year because that's approximately what I save us.  Three under three in full time childcare with all it's extras is quite expensive.  However, for a long time I have been searching for something that is flexible and can be done at home with the craziness of three little ones that would allow me to bring in a little extra spending money.  Wouldn't we all?

I have a few friends that have persistently been hounding me for years to market some of the things I make my girls.  And until recently, I adamantly believed no one would ever purchase them.  But I reluctantly put a few things up on Etsy this week to appease their urging and I suppose to prove to myself, "see it's not worth the trouble"... And to my surprise, people did want to buy some of my stuff.  So, after a little thought, I think i will pursue it a little bit more.  Why not?  What's there to lose?  A few hours wasted to sewing and crafting?  I love that stuff anyway.  I took the leap today and signed up for my first craft fair and I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit nervous of rejection.  What if people look, "ehh," and keep walking?  What if I don't even sell enough to cover the rental cost?  I guess we shall just have to see...

Here are a few things that I am making that I hope others will enjoy as well...

 Carseat tents
 Reversible pinafore dresses

 Hair bows
and I am not quite sure why it keeps putting this in upside down but nursing covers.  Kinda hard to get a pic of myself using one or nor do you probably want to see a pic of me using one, lol :)

Well here's to trying something new... Wish me luck.


  1. Good for you Ang! I look forward to seeing you any little boy stuff?? :)

  2. Thanks Amy. Unfortunately, I don't have much experience with little boys, lol :) However, I do have some ideas that I am working on... I'll post them once I get them done.

  3. I'm ssssooooooooooo Happy to read this announcement :) hugs!
