
Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Baby's Big Number One...

So, my little adorable Marcella turned one today.  I love both my children immensely, but for some reason I was a little more emotional with my little tiny hiney's big event today.  I can't blame it on hormones because I was exactly this far along with Marcella when Adelyn was at this age.  Maybe, because it seemed to go by sooooo much faster.  It really does feel like just last week I was as big as a house, feeling sorry for myself because I was going to miss out on all the fun Christmas activities and holding her perfect newborn head in my arms.  Really I think the only reason I didn't lose it completely is because I always have another on the way.  Will I ever not be prego? :)

However, I always thouroughly enjoy throwing them a bash.  I know, I know... It's more for me than them.  But so what!  I birthed them.  Let's celebrate!  For Marcella Jane's big day I decided to do a snowflake theme.  I saved a ton by making custom photo invites on my computer and printing them at Costco as 5x7's.  Soooo much cheaper.

I made her a banner out of different shades of blue paper, glitter, snowflakes I punched out using snowflake holepunches, and silver wrapping ribbon.  Adelyn was estatic when it went up.
We had a taco bar for lunch.  I made a bucket of spanish rice, a troph of seasoned ground beef and another of a chicken fajita-like mixture.  I had hard and soft tacos available and a assembly line of toppings to go with it.  My dad made a chorizo cheese dip and I ate my weight in all of the above.  I also made a hot chocolate bar!  I heated up hot chocolate in a crock pot.  I had candymelt coated marshmallows on straws, those incredible pirouette rolled vanilla wafers and whipped cream.
I also drank my fill of this monstrosity.  Downstairs in the kids crazy zone, I had the desserts set up on the lip of our built in.  I made a red velvet snowflake cake with cream cheese icing, lemon/yellow cake pops, and had cute dark chocolate stars for munching on.

We got the little ones stuffed holiday animals for favors and I had her baby book for friends and family to sign and her first year calendar with pictures to look at near the presents table. 

My little one loved her little individul cake and threw quite the "big kid" tanrum when we wouldn't let her eat the whole huge thing.
 It was a really enjoyable day with a lot of good friends and family around!  My girls were so hyped up from all the organized chaos downstairs with friends that I wasn't sure if I would ever get them down.  Now to start thinking about baby number 3's...

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