
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dissecting Daddy...

I think I have finally recovered from our bout with potty training.  And I regretfully have to report that Adelyn won and I lost.  We have decided to start back up when big papa is home to help :)  And speaking of Daddy, I want to share a little idea that the girls and I constructed for dear old dad for his stocking.  Moving into a new house, being pregnant, a first birthday and Christmas all within three weeks pretty much left me with no choice but to be extremely frugal for stocking ideas.  Jason and I agreed not to get each other gifts this year but I just couldn't let his stocking be nakie.  So I whipped up a little interview sheet for the girls and I to fill out all about their dad with the intention of continuing the tradition year after year.  I think filling them out might have been as fun as Daddy reading them.  I wish I would have had enough forethought to video tape the actual process.  I sat the girls down at snack time and explained to Adelyn what we were doing.  I would ask her a question about daddy and write down her answer word for word and then she would get to color a picture of her and her daddy when we were finished.
Hilarious.  I loved that there was no pause or hesitation between question and answer.  Everything was matter of fact and absolute truth.  My personal favorite was, "My daddy likes to...for fun" and Adelyn quickly answered "wear skirts".  Yes...yes he does.  And true to Adelyn form when we were coloring the picture I asked her to try to stay in the box and she responded, "Mom, I don't like to stay in boxes..."  No Adelyn, no you do not.

However, the real tricky part came to when it was time to do Marcella's.  I wasn't quite sure how to fill hers out since Mama. Dadda, Papa and wawa are about all we can really make out of her sumo style rantings.  Therefore, I decided to stay true to the interviewing process and phonetically sound out her mumbles.  This is the part I wish I would have taped.  I would ask her a question and she would look real serious like she was thinking it over and state her answer.  I have no idea what she was saying but she definitely did.  We went back and forth through the whole questionnaire without even getting off track.  She was focused and firing those answers.  Loved it.

I can't wait to see their handwriting and drawings progress as they grow.  I plan on compiling these into a book once they are all grown and out of the nest. I've attached the document I created if you would like to use it or base it as a jumping off point for further questions.  Enjoy!

All About My Daddy...

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