
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I Guess Us Stay at Home Mommies are Just Plain Lazy...

I read an article recently claiming that working mothers are healthier than stay at home moms.  I have to say I was a little surprised by this claim.  Oh, I don't know why.  Maybe because I never sit down during the day so I always assumed I was burning more calories.  But the article explains that working moms reported less depression symptoms.  The more I chewed on this, the more it definitely made sense.  Us SAHMs tend to be isolated.  We grow up in an environment where social interaction is forced on us through school, activities and work.  Then baby pops out and it's just us and babble drooly.  It's natural, right?  Well, not for me. 
Anyone who knows me, knows that I never shut up.  I'm a talker by nature and I have discovered, as much as I absolutely feel called and privileged to have a husband who supports me being home, conversation with toddlers just isn't as fulfilling (however at times down right hysterical).  I love being home with my girls and wouldn't trade it for the world, but I have to honestly admit that it is lonely and well... sometimes depressing. 
That is why this year I am committing myself to breaking this rut of isolation.  I have already joined a mom's group through my church and try to plan a play date a week but I'm going to take it a step further.  I'm going to attempt the crazy and get out at least once every other week with other mommas, sans kids.  You know, put real people drool free clothes on, make-up, maybe do my hair and pretend I have a life outside Yo Gabba Gabba and princess dresses.  I also am going to try and make more of an effort to babysit swap and take advantage of local Mommy's Day Out programs, because sometimes I dream about exercising this huge prego bod.
I can't wait to prove this one wrong!  Would love to hear what other stay at homers do to socialize and beat the isolation blues...


  1. Let me know when you are going out without the kiddos! I'm always ready for a girls night!!

  2. I'm a stay at home, soon to be mommy. I've never been much for socialization, but I definitely get what I need through my awesome personal business (that I work about 15 hours a week from home or my co-op office nearby). I work helping people improve their lives, and in turn they help me improve mine!

  3. Well, I read that same article and it made me mad at first too. Then my husband reminded me of all the firsts we get to experience as we stay home and raise our babies. Soon enough our babies get older and grow up to be more secure adults! One of the things I liked to do when mine were little was meet other moms and kids in strollers at the mall, chuck e cheese, parks, kids museum etc., anything just to get out. Good ol' Vit D does great things for everyone when you get out & get some sunshine! Right now you're running on instinct and that's ok. I was kookoo (sp?) for years, then took it to the next level and homeschooled for 4 years. Then I met you & your hubby...what a blessing you two and Ms. Fernandez were to us. God is good...All the time! Love yah

  4. Cathy...I think you need a St. Louis vacation :)
