
Monday, January 9, 2012

To Pee Pee or Not to Pee... That is the Challenge...

Today was our first official day of potty training.  Last night, the husband and I decided that it was time on our end to fully commit.  Adelyn has shown interest and hatred towards everything potty for the last few months.  One day she and her potty are best friends and the next day it is the poop eating monster that she won't even go near.  Santa even brought her special character panties in her stocking for a little extra motivation and the little stinker brought them to me and said," Mommy, these are cool but I told you I wasn't ready for that pee pee stuff."  Yes Adelyn, so you did.  But in my head I think, "If you are verbally advanced enough to tell me there is poop in your diaper, you have diaper rash because it's diarrhea so you need cream, and know exactly where to get the supplies and practically do it yourself; I think you are advanced enough to wipe your own cheeky buns." So after doing some mommy googling last night I decided she could check off 100% of the "is she ready" checklists.  So it was time.  Bye bye day diapers and hello Dora undies.

Now I am anal, not a play on words...well kind of, and wanted to make sure we had a plan.  So, I decided after much discussion with friends, researching and just knowing my kid that it was all or nothing.  No diapers during the day no matter what.  No going back.  I think I waited as long as I have to begin this, not because I didn't think Adelyn was ready but because I wasn't quite sure I was.  I knew my little drama queen was going to be a handful and today I learned something that I always kind of knew, I am always right.

We started the morning off with a pee pee try before breakfast.  No go.  However, she was super excited about wearing her big girl undies and ran around yelling at Marcella to look at her hiney dancing.  I explained that every time she went pee pee in the potty she would get an M&M.  That seemed motivating.  Well after sitting and reading for 20 minutes after breakfast, we had let go!  Yeah Pee Pee!  We did the potty dance, the "bye bye pee pee" and flushed it down the toilet.  We had a brief tantrum about only getting one M&M and not the whole bag but it wasn't so bad.  Her Nana told her to call her and tell her what surprise she wanted when she finally went potty.  So we called Nana in Fornia (California for you non-toddler speaking readers) and Adelyn very directly told her she wanted drums and a computer.  Probably not what Nana wanted to hear but that's her problem now.

The next three attempts weren't so pleasant, and to be honest I almost gave up.  After 35 minutes of trying before nap time, I finally gave up and put her down for a nap in her plastic training pants.  Within two seconds of me putting her in there I discovered two things, she peed all over immediately and those plastic training pants are crap.  Pee was everywhere and in her tantrum throwing dramatic rage the sloshing pee in her "containment" panties was sloshing everywhere.  I picked her up and tried to put her on the potty but the damage was done.  Stink was everywhere.  I cleaned her up and just threw everything in the wash.  It took me 45 minutes to calm her down.  She didn't want these Dora undies, she wanted the other ones, she wasn't tired and I'm a mean mommy.  Adelyn, you don't even know mean.  Finally, got her down for a nap and this prego fatty was exhausted.

The next two accidents occurred as she was standing directly next to the pink pot.  She is frantically telling me she is going pee as it's getting everywhere and she's literally a step away from it.  Frustrating.  We go through the 20 to 30 minute tantrum ordeal for each episode.  The kicker is, Marcella has become very aware of Adelyn's melt downs and they scare and concern her.  So, as I am attempting to calm the terror and clean up the pee soaked carpet I have a one year old also screaming and holding on to me for dear life.  I was about ready to throw in the towel and tell her she could wear diapers down the aisle for all I cared.  But the Lord always knows what you can handle and the big girl ran to her new friend, sat down and big eyed screamed "I did it Mom!  There's real orange pee pee in there!"  I was at first concerned that she told me it was orange, dehydration?  but quickly realized who cares!  We did it!  But it was short lived.  For as we were celebrating my very helpful Marcella came over and dumped the pot of pee pee in my lap.  You can't win them all.

Tomorrow we will be at it again and I pray that our 50/50 will increase to be favorable in my corner.  Any and all tips are appreciated...

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