
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

One Ton Baby?

So, I came across an article today whose title grabbed my attention, Stay-At-Home Moms Lift Almost a Ton of Baby Each Day, Study Shows.  According to this study, an average 22 pound nine-month old is lifted approximately 90 times a day for feedings, nap times, stink butt changing and playing.  Why am I not buff?  I should be hulked out with massive guns!  Since I've got two always clinging on me begging for "ups" I should be in great shape, right?  Nope.  I'm just tired.  Really tired.  I mean look at this chunk.  I never knew there was a need to start marketing bras for infants...

And Adelyn may not be a fatty but when I pick her up she's wiggling. 

Don't get me wrong though.  Every pound per square inch of that fatty goodness is glorious kissing surface.  And next time I feel bad for being too tired to exercise, I'm going to remember these statistics.  I mean, technically speaking, I am a super mom.  Cause I don't think as hard as Daddy tries, he can't bench press a ton.  I can press two!

1 comment:

  1. You are crackin me up Ang! Infant bras...who knew!! LOL
