
Friday, September 16, 2011

A Quick Sweet Thank You

So last night at about ten o'clock, Jason casually mentions how he wanted to send a nice thank you to a fellow teacher who went above and beyond that week.  In Jason language that was, "You do it for me."  So, broke as a joke and tired, I had to use stuff I had on hand.  I had just finished making pumpkin spice cookies.  Not going to take credit for the recipe.  The prepackaged, make it yourself kind I picked up from Target are incredible!  Therefore, I don't feel like I need bragging rights to try and make them better; but that's beside the point...

I loaded up a cookie packing box I had from a previous project with some of the fall fantastical goodness and used some left over ribbon to dress it up.  I then hoppped on Word, typed a little personalized thank you with a cute font, dressed the cell up with a cute simple border and printed it out. I mounted it on a scrap of orange cardstock and attached it with a cute clip I had. 

Voila, in less than ten minutes a cute thank you for a hardworking civil servant.

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