
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Snail Mail

I read an article today at that predicted that within the next year the United States Postal Service will be null and void, bankrupt.  How does that happen?  I mean I know that the emergence of email and online versions of everything had to take some toll on their business but an America with no postal service?  What would Benjamin Franklin say?

You might ask why I would feel so randomly passionate about snail mail and I have to say it is a weird interest for me.  There is something exciting and extremely personal about receiving a hand written letter, thank you card, care package or even a catalog.  Going to check the mailbox in the afternoon is a daily tradition that the girls and I look forward to.  Something about the unknown surprises that could be waiting in there.  It screams, "I thought and cared about you enough to make the effort of mailing this for you."  Today was one of those days where that surprise helped everyone pull themselves out of a funk.

My mother-in-law sent the girls a care package and it came at just the right time.  We were going on our fourth, 45 minute long, exorcism style toddler tantrum of the day and I was daydreaming of when Daddy was coming home and I could run for my life for a pumpkin spice latte and silence.  And there if was.  Love in a package.  Love that I was feeling I was falling short of at the exact moment.  Adelyn snapped out of her funk, mainly because she is smart enough to know there was no way she was getting that unless her mommy's little angel returned, and I was excited with anticipation to see what it was.  After some extreme tearing and crazy rushed ripping the books appeared.  Yes! Silent reading time!

And an adorable pair of boutique style baby bloomers for the tiny hiney.   It was amazing how a thought out gift sent through the mail from across the country; instantly filled our home with the love that packaged it.

And that folks, is something you just can't get from an email or a blog for that matter.  I challenge you to send someone a line this week.  Just make sure you do it with a stamp.

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