
Thursday, October 13, 2011

My Pumpkin Tribute

Ok, this ones for all my pumpkin lovers out there.  I was thinking this morning how incredible it is that a color, smell and taste can ultimately change a bad mood to a good one for me.  Therefore, I decided to share the happiness and divulge all my little pumpkin obsession secrets to you.  I literally count down the days till when the stores start bringing pumpkin back and here are a few seasonal favorites of mine...

This is Trader Joe's seasonal pancake mix and it is to DIE for.  My kids love it too.  It's music to my ears to hear Adelyn ask for the pumpkin pancakes that make her happy :) Me too, Adelyn, me too.

This is the moistest pumpkin bread I have ever tasted.  I love making muffins out of it.  Little perfect portions of perfection!

Another one from Trader Joes.  This tastes INCREDIBLE in vanilla yogurt!

 Already mentioned these once in a previous blog but they are so good I thought they deserved an encore!
This is my favorite!  These smell goods make me feel good.  Love you Bath and Body Works.

Of course there are countless others such as, my beloved pumpkin spice latte, Yankee's pumpkin spice candle and just the simple lovliness of a pumpkin all by itself.  I think I have "accidently" rubbed off on my daughter and she is now tickled with pumpkins.  

She told me yesterday that orange makes her happy and our new favorite pass time is taking Chango for a walk and spying the pumpkins on people's porches.  Love this wonderful season that promotes thanksgiving for the boundless beauty God has graciously given us.  Right now, I am more than thankful for the pumpkins :)

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