
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What's Up Doc...

Well, I finally got some pictures of my favorite little bunny and carrot!  We took at little trip down to Stuckmeyer's Pumpkin Patch.  It had just rained a ton and was still drizzling so we weren't really able to get out into the fields like I would have liked; due to me being anal about them destroying their costumes before Halloween.  However, it was fun to see my creations come to life.

About a month ago, I started collecting coupons and ideas for the girls' costumes.  I am proud to say that I ended up only spending $20 to make both!  Adelyn was very excited about being a bunny "princess" (you have to throw princess behind everything to make it worth while) and as you can see from the following pics the Lord even blessed her with some awesome bunny teeth to match :)  Her costume was simple.  I took a grey hoodie and cut two slits at the top.  I slipped a leftover bunny headband she had from Easter through the holes.  Next, I sewed a large white pom pom onto the back for a tail.  I made a tutu out of three different shades of grey tulle knotted around a band of elastic.  Paired it with a discount pair of grey leggings and the grey boots that I had already bought her for the winter.  Voila, bunny princess.  On Halloween, I'll paint whiskers and a cute pink bunny nose but she was being a stinker today and I didn't feel like that battle :)

Now, Marcella's carrot costume wasn't hard, but it posed a set of challenges that required some creative thinking outside the box.  I dyed a white hoodie orange with RIT dye from Michaels.  I already had the orange leggings and socks from another outfit.  I made her an orange tutu out of three shades of orange tulle knotted around elastic.  I wasn't exactly sure how to make her a recognizable carrot and not just an orange monster.  So, I randomly sewed on three shades of green tulle from the top of her hood and hot glued a scrap of white vinyl with "fresh carrots" written on it to secure the bundle of greens.  I'm still not sure if I'm 100% satisfied with how it turned out but it got a lot of "oohs, ahhs and look at that adorable carrot costume" at the pumpkin patch.  So, I guess the picture got across!  She was REALLY grumpy and not very camera friendly but you get the idea...

I think they turned out pretty cute and I'm proud to say that I did them cheaply, uniquely, and warmly :)

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