
Friday, September 16, 2011

Buffalo-Style Turkey Tenderloin

 This is quickly becoming one of Jason's new favorite recipes!  Just better not tell him it's on the healthier side!  It takes 30 minutes to make but really that's bake time.  You only have to put in about 10 minutes of attention!  Therefore, it's a great go to recipe when your kids are screaming and crawling up your leg.


2 tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2-2 lbs turkey breast tenderloin (I use the pre-packaged marinated kind), sliced in one inch cubes
1 bag frozen cooked potato wedges
1 medium onion, sliced
2 medium red bell peppers, sliced
2 tablespoons minced garlic
4 tablespoons reduced-fat blue cheese or reduced-fat ranch dressing
2 tablespoons franks buffalo style hot sauce

Step 1:  Begin baking the potato wedges as instructed on the bag.

Step 2: Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat.  Throw in turkey and let brown.  Approximately, 4 minutes.

Step 3:  Stir in the onion and pepper slices to the mix.  Cook for about 3 minutes and add garlic.

Step 4:  Lower heat and let simmer until your wedges are done.  Once fully cooked, add the potato to the mixture. 

Step 5:  Stir in dressing and sauce slowly.  You kind of have to taste as you go.  You can make it as hot or as mild as you want.  Jason likes his, kill your ulcer hot.  So I pull some out just special for him :)

Voila, husband loving man meal in less than 10. 

Mommy note:  I pull some out for the girls before adding the hot sauce and they love it!  My nine month old was even munching on red pepper!

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