
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall Baking Ideas...

So, I had a rare 30 minutes worth of nap time today and instead of rushing around trying to pick up and clean and the other million things I coulda shoulda woulda been doing, I decided I needed a mommy break.  I put my feet up, sipped on warm apple cider with the cool breeze blowing in through the windows and did what I love to do best... searched for fun, crafty, fall ideas.  Instant relaxer.

I found myself drawn to baking today.  I found a lot of really cute baking ideas and I although I would thoroughly enjoy it, I don't think I could do all of them.  Therefore, I am going to share the ones I thought looked fun and hope you try them out and share :)

Made out of prepared pie crust and other yummy goodness.

Sugar cookies with reese's pieces or m&ms and green fruit leather.

A delicious maple frosting that looks cute too.

Bite size versions of one of my favorite fall treats.  (and you guys know how I like my treats of a stick!)

Not a huge fan of circus peanuts but they look adorable!

Umm.... there are some yummy sounding ingredients in this one!

I love how these are displayed!

Hopefully, I can get a few of these under my belt this season!  Now I just have to convince the hubby why it is absolutely imperative to have a harvest party for the girls so I have a reason to makes these :)

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