
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Delicious and Adorable Toddler Snacks

This week it is my turn to bring snacks to my mom's group.  True to form I have been racking my brain on what to bring.  How to pick a universal, cute and affordable snack for all ages.  There are soooo many variables!  Not all the kiddos are old enough to indulge in sweet treats, avoiding common allergens, we are at someone else's home so I don't want to bring something messy, it should be healthy and I have to feed 8 calorie counting moms who really want sweets but don't want to admit it and a plethora of crazy wild children. Ahhh!  The pressure no one but me is placing!  But alas that is what the wonderful world of surfing the web is for, and I think I came up with a few options.  Not to mention countless others I will be trying in the future.

First and foremost, the winners...

Edible Bracelets

I am going to use red licorice lace and string a combination of apple, banana, and regular cheerios.  Easy-check, not messy-check, age appropriate-check, somewhat healthy-check, and cute-check

Apple Cake Pops

Um... no explanation needed.  Cake pops are cute and just plain necessary.  Enough said.

Nutty for Acorns

This one is a runner up.  It's pretty cute and if I don't make them for this occasion they will need to be made in the near future :)

Secondly, the resources...

Too many ideas, too little time with family fun

You know what...I'm going to stop listing links.  Just go here and spend countless hours looking at the awesome family friendly recipe options and links on the left hand side.  I could write for the rest of my life on how awesome all these look.

Loved this parents magazine top 20

Please share thoughts and ideas!  What are your go to kids snacks?

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