
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall Baking Ideas...

So, I had a rare 30 minutes worth of nap time today and instead of rushing around trying to pick up and clean and the other million things I coulda shoulda woulda been doing, I decided I needed a mommy break.  I put my feet up, sipped on warm apple cider with the cool breeze blowing in through the windows and did what I love to do best... searched for fun, crafty, fall ideas.  Instant relaxer.

I found myself drawn to baking today.  I found a lot of really cute baking ideas and I although I would thoroughly enjoy it, I don't think I could do all of them.  Therefore, I am going to share the ones I thought looked fun and hope you try them out and share :)

Made out of prepared pie crust and other yummy goodness.

Sugar cookies with reese's pieces or m&ms and green fruit leather.

A delicious maple frosting that looks cute too.

Bite size versions of one of my favorite fall treats.  (and you guys know how I like my treats of a stick!)

Not a huge fan of circus peanuts but they look adorable!

Umm.... there are some yummy sounding ingredients in this one!

I love how these are displayed!

Hopefully, I can get a few of these under my belt this season!  Now I just have to convince the hubby why it is absolutely imperative to have a harvest party for the girls so I have a reason to makes these :)

The Big Surprise...

There is a reason I haven't been writing for a week.  I have had the craziest, most eventful, non-stop weekend ever and I couldn't blog about it because it was a surprise.  A surprise for someone who follows this wild ride.  But the cat is out of the bag...

Recently my father started living on his own again.  And the house wreaked of maleness.  Stark, left over clutter and dingy.  So, I threw it out there to my family that we should have a secret paintng party for my dad while he was away on a business trip.  I thought it would spruce things up a bit to just paint the living room and hallway.  We secretly planned for a couple of weeks, gathering supplies, organizing snacks and drinks.  I was excited to get to spend some quality time with my family and do something nice for my father who could definitely use the pick-me-up.

Everyone gathered on Friday night to assess the project and prepare for the painting the next day.  We had planned on having a low key evening of snacking, enjoying eachother's company and doing painting pre-work.  However, that quickly changed when my dad's sisters showed up.  They took one look at the place and our two day painting plan quickly became a five day minor renovation.  I felt like I was on an episode of House Crashers.  My aunts insisted their were enough of us Italians sitting around to do some real damage.  So, we stripped and sanded the kitchen cabinets getting them ready to repaint, took every nic-nak and wall hanging elseware, mudded and patched some cracks in the ceiling, decided we were going to paint all the dingy white wooded furniture black and paint the trim and doors a nice crisp white.  Wow, the list was a little intimidating, and I would be lying if I didn't inform you I was thinking, "Oh, God.  What have we done?  I pray we can pull this off before he comes home on Wednesday."

So, Saturday morning my girls ate breakfast on the floor... and they loved it.
I then ran out a bought a ridiculous amount of paint and by 8 a.m. we were in full painting mode.  We were blessed with a gorgeous weekend so we could work outdoors.  And I secretly adore finding any reason to be outside.  My cousin and kids took Adelyn to the St. Louis Zoo and a friend took Marcella so that I could be kid free.  It is amazing what a mom can accomplish with a few hours of sans kids work time.  We painted.  I mean everything.  Woodwork, furniture, ceilings, walls and cabinets.

  And by mid-afternoon we were starting to see the fruits of our labor.  It was amazing the instant brightness that filled this house that has been missing for some time and I got excited.  My dad's going to love this.  He's going to be really mad that we did it but he's going to love it.  At ten that night we called it an evening and everyone said they would be returning after church the next morning to finish up.  I think I fell asleep standing up.  A good, productive exhaustion.

Sunday, we applied second coats, started putting doors back on and I worked on my "project".  I wanted to give my dad's windows a make-over.  I found some upholstery fabric from a long forgotten project lying around and some old window boxes collecting cobwebs in the attic.  I had my handyman uncle cut them to size for me, we painted the trim, a little tuck here and staple gun there and I created custom window valences.  Not to shabby if I say so myself.  And for free.  Can't beat it.

Monday, my uncle came over and helped me with the little details of putting outlet covers back on, painting the front door, and hanging the custom window treatments.  Another friend of the family came over and cleaned the carpets.  Adelyn thoroughly enjoyed having the couches in the kitchen and threw quite the fit when they had to return to their appropriate spot the next day.  We sat around, talked and enjoyed the centralized objective that we were all so anxious to see the end result of.

Tuesday, I invited everyone over for a celebratory glass of champagne to seal the deal.  We toasted the project and admired with a sense of pride all that we had accomplished.  It looked like a new and different house.  I had been taking pictures the entire experience and compiled them into a scrapbook for my dad when he returned.  I entitled it, "The party we threw you that we didn't invite you to."  That night everyone wrote a little note for him that I included in the book.

Wednesday, I walked through the house in amazement at how much better some paint and elbow grease had drastically improved the whole aura of the house.  I felt good.  I don't know if it was pride, a high from the non-stop action or the over-all happiness and contentment I had from spending a ton of time with family that I love.  My dad's flight got in late, so, it was not easy to stay awake for his reaction but it was worth it.  He loved it.

Being the humble person he is he was upset that people would go to such extremes for him and I could see the wheels turning trying to figure out how much it all had cost.  But, overall it was a good thing.  A boost for another day and a warm inviting environment to look forward to come home to.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pumpkin Spice Cookies...

These are my go to fall recipe.  Cheap, easy and incredibly delicious!  I've tried to make similar recipes from scratch for bragging rights but Betty Crocker got it right with this recipe!  I've found mine this season at Target in the Halloween baking section.  What's your favorite fall recipe?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Update on My Apple Cake Pops and Cheerio Bracelets...

For those of you who missed it, I planned on making some cute snacks for my little friends at Mom's Group this week.  Check out the blog entry to keep up :)

My apple cake pops turned out awesome!  I personally thought they were adorable!  I was a little disappointed in my green candy melt coloring.  There weren't really a true apple color but we'll let that slide.  They were a lot easier than I thought to mold into an apple shape and I felt you could really tell what they were :)  I wrapped the styrofoam in leftover apple fabric.  Adelyn's first words when she woke up this morning were, "Are the cake pops ready to eat Mom."  I said, "Of course, but not for breakfast," and gave her her menu to see options instead :)

The edible bracelets turned out as well but I had some obstacles to figure out.  For one, I tried to get too fancy and use flavored Cheerios; apple, cinnamon and yogurt.  What I didn't factor was that their holes are smaller and were not as easy to get strung on the licorice rope (I used Twizzlers pull and peel).  So it took some time.  Instead of trying to pull the knot tight (it kept snapping), I knotted it loosely and smooshed it together to hold.  Where the real issue came in was i put them in an air tight container over night and when I went to photograph the next morning the licorice was falling apart.  The moisture, I guess, from the cereal made them brittle.  So, I had to re-string a bunch this morning.  However, besides all that, the kids and moms absolutely loved the convenience of them and I will be making them again :)

I'm feeling confident.  What to tackle next?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Delicious and Adorable Toddler Snacks

This week it is my turn to bring snacks to my mom's group.  True to form I have been racking my brain on what to bring.  How to pick a universal, cute and affordable snack for all ages.  There are soooo many variables!  Not all the kiddos are old enough to indulge in sweet treats, avoiding common allergens, we are at someone else's home so I don't want to bring something messy, it should be healthy and I have to feed 8 calorie counting moms who really want sweets but don't want to admit it and a plethora of crazy wild children. Ahhh!  The pressure no one but me is placing!  But alas that is what the wonderful world of surfing the web is for, and I think I came up with a few options.  Not to mention countless others I will be trying in the future.

First and foremost, the winners...

Edible Bracelets

I am going to use red licorice lace and string a combination of apple, banana, and regular cheerios.  Easy-check, not messy-check, age appropriate-check, somewhat healthy-check, and cute-check

Apple Cake Pops

Um... no explanation needed.  Cake pops are cute and just plain necessary.  Enough said.

Nutty for Acorns

This one is a runner up.  It's pretty cute and if I don't make them for this occasion they will need to be made in the near future :)

Secondly, the resources...

Too many ideas, too little time with family fun

You know what...I'm going to stop listing links.  Just go here and spend countless hours looking at the awesome family friendly recipe options and links on the left hand side.  I could write for the rest of my life on how awesome all these look.

Loved this parents magazine top 20

Please share thoughts and ideas!  What are your go to kids snacks?

Friday, September 16, 2011

A Quick Sweet Thank You

So last night at about ten o'clock, Jason casually mentions how he wanted to send a nice thank you to a fellow teacher who went above and beyond that week.  In Jason language that was, "You do it for me."  So, broke as a joke and tired, I had to use stuff I had on hand.  I had just finished making pumpkin spice cookies.  Not going to take credit for the recipe.  The prepackaged, make it yourself kind I picked up from Target are incredible!  Therefore, I don't feel like I need bragging rights to try and make them better; but that's beside the point...

I loaded up a cookie packing box I had from a previous project with some of the fall fantastical goodness and used some left over ribbon to dress it up.  I then hoppped on Word, typed a little personalized thank you with a cute font, dressed the cell up with a cute simple border and printed it out. I mounted it on a scrap of orange cardstock and attached it with a cute clip I had. 

Voila, in less than ten minutes a cute thank you for a hardworking civil servant.

Buffalo-Style Turkey Tenderloin

 This is quickly becoming one of Jason's new favorite recipes!  Just better not tell him it's on the healthier side!  It takes 30 minutes to make but really that's bake time.  You only have to put in about 10 minutes of attention!  Therefore, it's a great go to recipe when your kids are screaming and crawling up your leg.


2 tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2-2 lbs turkey breast tenderloin (I use the pre-packaged marinated kind), sliced in one inch cubes
1 bag frozen cooked potato wedges
1 medium onion, sliced
2 medium red bell peppers, sliced
2 tablespoons minced garlic
4 tablespoons reduced-fat blue cheese or reduced-fat ranch dressing
2 tablespoons franks buffalo style hot sauce

Step 1:  Begin baking the potato wedges as instructed on the bag.

Step 2: Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat.  Throw in turkey and let brown.  Approximately, 4 minutes.

Step 3:  Stir in the onion and pepper slices to the mix.  Cook for about 3 minutes and add garlic.

Step 4:  Lower heat and let simmer until your wedges are done.  Once fully cooked, add the potato to the mixture. 

Step 5:  Stir in dressing and sauce slowly.  You kind of have to taste as you go.  You can make it as hot or as mild as you want.  Jason likes his, kill your ulcer hot.  So I pull some out just special for him :)

Voila, husband loving man meal in less than 10. 

Mommy note:  I pull some out for the girls before adding the hot sauce and they love it!  My nine month old was even munching on red pepper!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Snail Mail

I read an article today at that predicted that within the next year the United States Postal Service will be null and void, bankrupt.  How does that happen?  I mean I know that the emergence of email and online versions of everything had to take some toll on their business but an America with no postal service?  What would Benjamin Franklin say?

You might ask why I would feel so randomly passionate about snail mail and I have to say it is a weird interest for me.  There is something exciting and extremely personal about receiving a hand written letter, thank you card, care package or even a catalog.  Going to check the mailbox in the afternoon is a daily tradition that the girls and I look forward to.  Something about the unknown surprises that could be waiting in there.  It screams, "I thought and cared about you enough to make the effort of mailing this for you."  Today was one of those days where that surprise helped everyone pull themselves out of a funk.

My mother-in-law sent the girls a care package and it came at just the right time.  We were going on our fourth, 45 minute long, exorcism style toddler tantrum of the day and I was daydreaming of when Daddy was coming home and I could run for my life for a pumpkin spice latte and silence.  And there if was.  Love in a package.  Love that I was feeling I was falling short of at the exact moment.  Adelyn snapped out of her funk, mainly because she is smart enough to know there was no way she was getting that unless her mommy's little angel returned, and I was excited with anticipation to see what it was.  After some extreme tearing and crazy rushed ripping the books appeared.  Yes! Silent reading time!

And an adorable pair of boutique style baby bloomers for the tiny hiney.   It was amazing how a thought out gift sent through the mail from across the country; instantly filled our home with the love that packaged it.

And that folks, is something you just can't get from an email or a blog for that matter.  I challenge you to send someone a line this week.  Just make sure you do it with a stamp.

Monday, September 12, 2011

We Roll Fancy Like Here...

So... I woke up to this this morning...

Yeah... 45 minutes later we were still at it.  Instead of being defeated, I decided to use all that edumacation I spent a whole lot of money on and try to relieve the morning stress of choosing breakfast for Adelyn.  That is usually where these tantrums and wrong side of the bed kind of mornings stem from.  Breakfast.  It's stressful in the life of a two year old.  No one being able to understand your rationalized arguing that cupcakes and ice cream are a perfectly good choice and sitting in your booster chair isn't nearly as good as an option as the floor for dining.  I'm such a mean mom.  But realistically, this battle is getting old and I'm just tired enough (but I refuse to let her know that although I think she's starting to sense) that I'm just at the breaking point.

Therefore, I thought back on my classroom teaching experience to what I did when I had a student that had a hard time communicating.    Adelyn wants to feel like she has a say, and I want her to feel like she does even though we all know that a two year old doesn't.  That's when the menu idea formed.  I know that many a battles have been won by me by simply giving the allusion that there is a choice.  I got my camera out and started taking pictures of the regular food options that are available in our house for breakfast.  I found this old miniature photo album that has been gathering dust forever and started tearing it apart.  I printed out the pics with their corresponding label and placed them in the slots.  I couldn't stand how unfinished the edges looked so I whipped out my hot glue gun and placed some leftover ribbon as a trim.

I put it all together on a decorated piece of cardboard.  One row for drink, another for main food, and a final for fruit.  She can pick one from each. I saved the front pocketed album cover to hold the ones I wasn't using and glued it to the back.

Viola! Free customizable interchangeable menu.  If I buy something different it's as easy as taking a picture.  I am also going to make a similar one for an incentive chart

I'm going to try it out tomorrow morning.  Wish me luck :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

An Apple a Day Keeps the Kids at Play...

Today our fun family of four ventured out to explore the world of apple picking.  I had so much fun watching Adelyn pick peaches weeks before that I decided Daddy had to be in on the next adventure.  It was cloudy and drizzled a little but that didn't dampen the day.  It actually cooled it off, kept the crowds away and allowed us to pick apples from our own private orchard.  We spent about half an hour laughing, eating and watching J climb trees to reach the cream of the crop.

We gathered enough for an apple pie, homemade carmel apples and Adelyn's new found obsession with fruit right off the tree.  We then let the kiddos run ram-pet on the grounds.  They rode tractors, played on their play place and seemed to discover every stick, rock and dirty water puddle within a mile of the place.  Good outdoor fun :)  I found a coupon on Eckert's website that allowed kiddos to pick two pounds free. So, we walked away with a pretty inexpensive trip.  I came home and decided to be Susie Homemaker and try my hand at apple pie since my peach pie turned out incredible.  Another success.  Here's the method.


  • 6-7 cups sliced Golden Delicious Apples
  • Dash of cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 4 TBSP flour
  • 2 TBSP vanilla
  • 1/2 cup butter or margarine, melted
  • 2 (9-inch) unbaked pie crusts


  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).   Core, cut and remove peel from apples. 
  2. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Stir in flour to form a paste. Add vanilla, white sugar and brown sugar, and bring to a boil. Reduce temperature and let simmer.  Remove from heat and add apples.  Mix thoroughly. 
  3. Place the bottom crust in your pan. Fill with apple mixture (saving some residual for the crust), mounded slightly. Cover with 2nd crust. Gently pour the remaining sugar and butter liquid over the crust. Pour slowly so that it does not run off.  Brush it evenly over the surface.  Place on baking sheet to prevent spillage in the oven.
  4. Bake 15 minutes in the preheated oven. Reduce the temperature to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Continue baking for 35 to 45 minutes, until apples are soft.

Mine turned out super messy but it was delicious!  

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Angela's Adventures in Babysitting...

I have begun my journey into the crazy rabbit hole of childcare.  To help the hub and I supplement our income a bit before venturing down another crazy path of homeownership, I decided the best way for me to help out and still be home full time would be to take on another papoose.  As if this was only coincidence, I was telling our real estate agent how I am going to watch kids to boost our monetary flow.  Next words out of her mouth, "No way!  After this I'm going to meet someone about starting to watch my little one because I am losing a sitter! Would you want to take on my nine month old?"  The Lord is bigger than me or my plans, that's for sure!

Therefore, starting at 9:30 this morning, I began watching an adorable bright eyed little infant.  And Marcella was insanely jealous...more on that in a sec.

We started the morning with me picking up my little friend and heading to our weekly story time at our local library.  I loaded up my non-traditional twins in my double stroller and my two year old climbed on front.

 It went fairly uneventfully. I was a little smug at how easy that had been for me.  We entered the awesome controlled chaos.  Except it was pretty much me having most of it :) I have to give kudos and a huge thanks to a friend who helped me out tremendously.  Marcella right away saw my new tag-a-long as a threat for attention and with a push and a snarl let her know who owned this woman.  She was super clingy and right away I realized I needed more Mom's Nights Out and away from my mom-spoiled kids. I look over and Adelyn is stealing toys from smaller children and yelling, "No, no mine," to anyone who would listen, and my new cute one has a major blowout.  This is where my friend came in.  How would I have handled this without her assistance?  Not that I couldn't have managed but it would have been a lot less fun for everyone.  She took charge of my crew and I took stink butt to change her dipe.  Whew, crisis averted.  After I had had it with Adelyn bullying kids for their trucks, I decided it was time to head to the park.

Picnic time was definitely not relaxing but we all managed and I think our four little ones enjoyed it none the less.  However, my niners let me know it was time to head on back for nap time and I was starting to think that sounded pretty nice.  There was an eerie silence in the car as they all conked out.

Figuring out how to get three sleeping two and unders into the house was a feat that I don't think Houdini could have pulled off.  I guess I'm a little better than Houdini... I got the wee ones down without too much fuss and I thought Adelyn was as well. monitor strangely stopped working.  And I hear a thud downstairs.  That little stinky monkey climbed the dresser, turned off the monitor and was sitting strangely calm in my glider with her heavy ceramic piggy bank!  I rush in and she says, "Hi, Mom.  I got out, ok?  No naps for me.  Get me out, ok?" Um...not ok.  Never did get her to take a nap.

They all woke up at the same time and happy.  The rest of the afternoon was wonderfully uneventful.  Little ones playing parallel to each other without any major meltdowns.  I can honestly say I'm not any more exhausted from a third as I was with my own two.  A little more forethought and adjustments to our routine and I got this.  Makes me think that maybe I should have another one... or as Jason's requesting, twin boys?  Glutton for punishment, I am :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

One Ton Baby?

So, I came across an article today whose title grabbed my attention, Stay-At-Home Moms Lift Almost a Ton of Baby Each Day, Study Shows.  According to this study, an average 22 pound nine-month old is lifted approximately 90 times a day for feedings, nap times, stink butt changing and playing.  Why am I not buff?  I should be hulked out with massive guns!  Since I've got two always clinging on me begging for "ups" I should be in great shape, right?  Nope.  I'm just tired.  Really tired.  I mean look at this chunk.  I never knew there was a need to start marketing bras for infants...

And Adelyn may not be a fatty but when I pick her up she's wiggling. 

Don't get me wrong though.  Every pound per square inch of that fatty goodness is glorious kissing surface.  And next time I feel bad for being too tired to exercise, I'm going to remember these statistics.  I mean, technically speaking, I am a super mom.  Cause I don't think as hard as Daddy tries, he can't bench press a ton.  I can press two!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pumpkin Spice Latte

Today is the day!  I know it's sad but I look forward to this day all year.  PUMPKIN... SPICE... LATTE...  It represents everything that I love.  Fall, pumpkins, the beginning of perfect cool weather.  The moment I smelled this baby an overwhelming comforting presence took over.  The thought of hayrides, apple cider, homemade roasted pumpkin seeds and carmel apples made my heart skip a beat.  Love is in the air.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Peppered Pork Medallions in Tangy Mushroom Sauce

This has become one of my go to dinners.  Healthy, flavorful dish that takes less than 20 minutes (start to finish)!  Easy to do with a baby on my hip and another one yanking on my pant leg.  I served it over whole wheat egg noodles and green beans here but I have also served it with brown rice or mash potatoes.


1 pork tenderloin (1 to 1 1/4 lb), cut into 1/2-inch thick slices
1/2 teaspoon coarse ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons canola or olive
3/4 cup reduced-sodium chicken broth
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme leaves
1 package (8 oz) fresh whole mushrooms, cut into quarters

Step 1: Sprinkle both sides of the pork with salt and pepper.  In a non-stick skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat.  Add pork and cook 3 to 5 minutes or until browned.

Step 2:   Meanwhile in a small bowl, mix together broth and flour until smooth.  Add broth mixture and remaining ingredients to skillet.  Heat until boiling; reduce heat.  Cover and simmer for an additional 8 to 10 minutes till pork is no longer pink and mushrooms are tender. Stirring occasionally.  

Let me know what you think!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I Have Wild Things

I know this isn't the best picture but it was the best my slow camera phone could do to capture what would become an epic tantrum.  Today was trying, at best.  My little sweet baby girl Adelyn has grown into a big sweet, independent wild child who let's me know what she wants. Whether I want to know or not.  Let's back track a bit.

The morning started off with stinky butt in my bed (a big no no for me) because of an epic meltdown last night.  From the moment she opened her eyes I could tell what kind of day it was going to be.  She started jumping on me at 5:45 to "GIVE ME NUMMIES NOW MOM."  I sweetly responded, "Let's ask nicely and Mommy's getting up."  I patiently held her on the way upstairs as she was screaming at the top of her lungs, "BABY, WAKE UP!  HOLD ME RIGHT!  LIKE A BIG GIRL MOMMY!"  Even after she woke up her sister, I remained calm and collected.  Even right up to the morning breakfast battle of, "I DON'T LIKE THAT MOMMY!  GET ME SOMETHING, SOMETHING ELSE," I held it together.  Until the yogurt flinging.  She was frustrated because that wasn't what she wanted.  So the natural thing to do was to fling it across the room screaming.  I calmly handed her a muffin as I tried to wipe the yogurt mess out of my hair and off the floor and walls.  She proceeded to bawl her eyes out and rip it into a million pieces that met the same fate as the yogurt.  Next thought that raced through my head was, "Whose kid is this?"  I was not amused but the dogs were.  After a half an hour battle and probably nothing really ingested I gave up and forced the screaming wild thing down from her booster.

She then ran in the other room and hit her sister with a My Little Pony (like that was a perfectly natural thing to do with a pony) and when her sister was upset and I asked her to say sorry she ran up and pummeled her for round two.  Poor Marcella.  Always gets the brunt of her sisters untameable energy surges.  She spent the next hour causing mayhem.  Wipees flung everywhere, throwing books at anything that moved.  The more I tried to divert her attention, the more alluring the naughtiness seemed. That child spent more time in time out this morning with no avail.  I thought about taking her beloved storytime away but let's be honest, I needed it more than her.

We finally got out of the house with minimal damage and bruising.  When we arrived at the library, my other struggling with a two year old weary mom, handed me a glorious latte.  Not that I wasn't grateful but I was kind of hoping it came as an IV drip. Playtime was no better.  Screaming, kicking and not sharing... awesome.  I especially liked the point where she hit me repeatedly in the face in exorcism fashion in front of the other moms.  They were all thinking one of two things, I am sure of it.  1. I'm so glad that's her today and not me. or 2. Wow, why can't this mom get her brat under control.  I know, because I was thinking both as well.  We left in a hurry to take the girls to the mall for lunch and playtime.  I was still optimistic at this point that lunch could fix all of this.  Maybe she was just crabby from being hungry?  Wrong.

Now, I will give her a little credit.  She did eat fairly well.  For those of you who know Adelyn, you know that eating too little is never an issue and did temporarily seem to help her mood.  However, it was short lived.  For as soon as we got to the play area the meltdown began.  She had decided that the only thing that would bring her happiness would be to be naked.  Right there in the mall, naked.  She started stripping down and that is where this picture takes us.  The moment right before we both had had enough.  And home and straight to nap time is where she went.  And that is where she is currently screaming and yelling for her savior, Daddy.

As I write this I keep thinking of a book my mom used to read me quite often (for I hear I was quite as "spirited").  Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, by Judith Viorst.

This is just a day, a season at best.  And I know when she is older and I am alone more often than not, I'm going to miss this. I'm even going to laugh about it. But for today... I'm just going to pray... ALOT...  ;)