
Friday, October 7, 2011

Busy Life, Crazy Wife...

Breathe... Just breathe.  My mantra these last couple weeks.  I have to say I am quite surprised at how busy a stay at home mom's life can be.  I know when I was teaching, before having my sweet cherubs, I used to think, "How can these stay at home moms not have time to get their kids stuff together before school?  Or I'll just ask one of my sahm to do it.  They have the time."  Sorry, to all those moms out there I might have burdened while blinded by selfish single ignorance.  I had no idea and I don't think you could have convinced me either even if you did try to explain.  I work twice as hard as I did before and get half the things accomplished that I once did.

Oh, I remember daydreaming while pregnant with number one, "I can't wait to stay home so I will finally have the time to scrapbook, do all those DIY things that I have dreampt of doing forever, and enjoy a nice clean home."  HA!  Not that I'm complaining, I thank the Lord everyday that my husband supports the decision to have me home and I love every minute of it, but where does it go?  This time.  It eludes me.  I wake up every morning with a plan of things I would like to get accomplished and my head hits the pillow at the end of the day trying to figure out why I got absolutely nothing done.  I like to consider myself pretty productive and have always been capable of staying on task.  So, I don't think that is it.  Sometimes I wonder, when Jason gets home and sees the craziness that is our life, if he imagines me sitting at home all day with my feet up, watching re-runs of Glee and eating bon bons.

The thing that kind of scares me though, is this is probably the slowest it will ever be.  I mean I know my kids will be a little more self sufficient but we'll have dance, soccer practice, school plays, who knows what else and when those boys come, wrestling( Although, just to make Jason mad I constantly remind him that his future boys might not want to wrestle... they might just want to play the flute and dance).  The funny thing is though, I love all that business.  I secretly enjoy having non-stop action.  It's how I operate.  So, it's not that I wish for it to slow down, I just wish I had a few more hours everyday to get some more of those necessary evils (cleaning, organizing, paying bills...) factored in as well.

So here's to those moms who somehow do it all.  I hope you share your wisdom and pass it along because as of right now, nothing is getting done at our house :)

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