
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Ingenius Pajamie Jams...

So one of my latest battles is one that I would never have dreamed three years ago pre-kids I would be waging war against.  Pajamas.  You heard me.  Pajamas.  It seems like every time I go to grab these little night time garment monsters one or the other is missing, no upper or no lower.  Adelyn is very particular about her wardrobe these days and I wouldn't dare offend the diva by mismatching her at nigh night time.   What would her stuffed animals think?  Many a tantrums have ensued by the very suggestion of wearing a discombobulated ensemble.

The solution came in a folding laundry session with my love.    Jason's synapses were firing that night.  He suggests, "Why don't we just tie the pants around the shirt in a loose knot.  You know, kinda like you do with socks?"  GENIUS!  So simple, yet so profound!  I was oddly jealous that, I, supermom had not thought of it first.  Now I don't know about you, and maybe I'm just getting lazy these days, but I really couldn't care less about wrinkled socks, undies or jammie jams for that matter.  Therefore, I really didn't care that we were knotting my freshly washed laundry.

Look at them!  Neat little pajama bundles.  Our fashinista is satisfied, Mom is relieved knowing that there will be no late night matching games and Dad is a little puffed up with pride that his idea was a perfect fit for our little dilemma.  It's the little things people.

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