
Monday, August 22, 2011


With two little ones it seems like we are constantly celebrating new achievements and developmental milestones.  However, this weekend we were inundated with new growth!  My little ones are getting big way too fast.  I see now how moms who are done having children baby the baby!

Our first landmark happened on Friday night as we were putting the girls to bed.  We had just put Marcella down and were reading Adelyn her two books.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw major stirring in Tiny Hiney's crib.  I looked up and Marcella was sitting up, peering over her crib, about to come on over to join us head first!  Jason was summoned to lower the crib.  There was great excitement from both girls giddy with the new change.  I teared up :(

Milestone number two occurred Saturday night.  Jason and I frantically rushed to get the girls down a little early so we could have a night out with friends.  We weren't gone twenty minutes when I got a call from my dad.  I was a little nervous as I was answering because he never calls when watching the little ones.  He wanted to inform me that while checking on the girls, after they had began to fuss, that Adelyn was waiting for him at the door!  She had discovered how to get out of her crib!  I still don't know how that is physically possible since she is so petite her head barely clears the railing.  It was decided that a toddler railing would be in store for the next night and the fear of starting a new routine was intimidating.  And we discovered, rightfully so...  She was sooooo excited about her new big girl bed until it was actually time to sleep in it.  I left the room with her screaming and yelling.  I sat by the door to try and listen to make sure she didn't attempt to kill her little sister who sleeps in the same room.  Sure enough, I hear a thud and Adelyn starts wailing.  That wailing that only pain brings.  I hurried in there to find her frantically trying to climb in with her sister and falling off the precipice of her crib.  She was terrified to lose the comfort of her crib fortress.  I promised her I would sleep on the floor next to her bed if she would cooperate and lay down.  After minutes of watching her run around, bringing me toys and talking a mile a minute I calmly informed her I was going to have to go to bed in my room.  She laid on the carpet and said, "Nigh Night here, Mom."  I tucked her in right there and snuck out.  Two seconds later, screaming and frantic running insued, waking her sister momentarily.  I listened for a couple minutes before it went starkly silent.  I held my breath and after what seemed like forever, I braved opening the door to see what had happened.  I could hear thumb sucking but couldn't see through the dark where it was coming from.  I tip toed into the room, terrified I would wake them and I found her.  Huddled in her reading corner with every stuffed animal she owns piled on top of her.  She made herself a protective teddy bear cocoon.  I snuck out slowly, sad that I was such a mean mommy that my daughter had to resort to curling in the fetal position, sucking her thumb in a frantical effort to find comfort that I clearly had not provided.  After much deliberation, I still haven't decided how to proceed for tomorrow night.  I have considered letting the girls co-sleep but that's not fair to Marcella since Stinky Butt Adelyn wiggles as much in her sleep as when she's awake.  Or should I move Marcella out of the room with us and let Adelyn have free reign of the room?  I don't know.  The jury is still out.

Lastly, gum has been broken!  After months of crabbiness and fussing, Marcella has teeth breaking through!  They have just freed their way through and are barely visible but they are there!  Come on more solids and the possibility of maybe sleeping more than two hour shifts!

It was an eventful weekend of firsts and I'm exhausted.  It is exciting to watch and wonder what the Lord is doing in these little girls lives.  How he will shape their future and in what ways will He use these milestones to further prepare them for their walk later on.  They probably seem trivial to the non-guardian but to me they make me beam just thinking about them.  Elated about the next wave of newness!

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