
Monday, August 22, 2011

Operation Toddler Bed Update...

After a horrific fail at naptime today, I decided that it was time to research.  After surveying the local mom blogs and commentary I came up with a plan that would fit our family style and Adelyn's stubborness, bribing.

Let me elaborate on our naptime situation.  I was watching a friend's kiddo today so he got the pack-n-play in our room.  I said, "It's naptime."  This two year old responded, "Ok," and just laid down and fell asleep.  Amazing.  Made my kids look horrific.  Then I proceded into Adelyn's room to put my crazies down.  Adelyn was soooo tired she just climbed right into her big girl bed and laid down.  Marcella, being fat and fed, was already asleep before her head hit the matress.  I closed the door and thought to myself, "That was surprisingly easy."  and it was.  As soon as I got upstairs I heard a blood curtling scream.  I ran downstairs and noticed the light was on in the girls room.  Adelyn had jumped into Marcella's bed, on sound asleep Marcella mind you, scared the poo out of her and hurt her.  Then she proceeded to turn on the light and steal her blankets.  And to top it off reopened her busted lip and was bleeding everywhere!  It took me a good twenty minutes to calm little one down while Adelyn ran around screaming, "No nap for me, Mom."  I calmy said, "Goodnight, Adelyn," and closed the door to her excorcist style screaming.  She finally fell asleep... in Marcella's crib.  In the meantime, our little friend slept perfectly.  Not fair.

Therefore, tonight I concocted a perfect plan.  We took Adelyn to Babies R Us to pick out any sheets she wanted.  She picked out pink Winnie the Pooh.  So we were blessed with Jason's "Poo" on your sheets jokes.  Then let her pick out a toy at the dollar store telling her that if she made it the whole night in her bed it would be waiting for her at breakfast.  We came home, changed her sheets and put all her stuffed animals in with her.  She has been down for two hours... Wish us luck :)

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